Triathlon Training

For those who want to do triathlon, we offer coached swimming pool sessions, as well as open water swimming and group cycling.

Pool Sessions

There are two weekly swim training sessions. These are on Tuesday and Friday evenings, coached and both cater for experienced swimmers, as well as improvers. Cost varies, depending on whether you block book, cheaper, or pay as you go. We also offer ‘learn to swim freestyle’ sessions.

Open Water Swimming

These are member organised and more information is available through the club’s Facebook group. Swimming takes place in local rivers and lakes, as well as further afield.


Saturday morning road cycle groups meet at Wootton Community Centre. These are Club organised between April and September. Each group is pace based and led by an experienced and qualified cycle leader.

There are also informal group rides throughout the year, including off road and virtual (Zwift). These are member led and posted on our Facebook group.


As with running, safety is a priority. More information can be found in the ‘Safety & Rules’ section of this website, click the link in the right column. All members should make themselves fully aware of these before attending any Club organised session.